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Institute of Politology, Sociology and Philosophy

Stakeholder Council

Stakeholder Council

Stakeholder Council at the Institute of Political Science, Sociology and Philosophy

Members of the Stakeholder Council at the Institute of Political Science, Sociology and Philosophy are representatives of social and economic life, representatives of public administration structures, representatives of the authorities and the world of politics, all of whom are invited by the Director of the Institute. The aim of the Stakeholder Council is to support the teaching process, research and scientific development of students learning on degrees delivered in the Institute.

The Stakeholder Council pursues its objectives through:

  1. supporting scientific and teaching activities carried out as part of joint academic initiatives, including participation in the organization of symposia and conferences,
  2. participation in discussions during meetings of the Stakeholder Council and surveys conducted for the purpose of indicating competences needed by degree graduates on the labor market, determining learning outcomes, graduate profile and degree curriculum carried out as part of degrees delivered in the Institute.


The tasks of the members of the Stakeholder Council include:

  1. participation in meetings of the Institute Stakeholder Council,
  2. participation in research aimed at indicating competences needed by graduates on the labor market,
  3. presenting information on the expectations of employers, representatives of social and economic life to graduates of degrees delivered in the Institute,
  4. participation in the design of the graduate profile, learning outcomes and curricula of degrees delivered in the Institute,
  5. recommending changes in education programs, as well as proposing the creation of new degrees and specialties as part of the teaching offer of the Institute,
  6. expressing opinions on the introduction of innovative teaching methods,
  7. supporting the organization of apprenticeships / internships for students of degrees delivered by the Institute,
  8. participation in the implementation of joint academic projects.